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The official website products will be shipped within four days after placing the order. Any special circumstances will be announced separately.

訂單狀態在 非完成 狀態,都可以與BE.BAHNA的LINE官方客服聯絡,將由專人為您服務


You can contact the official customer service of BE.BAHNA LINE for any order status other than ‘completed.’ 

A dedicated representative will assist you.


LINE:點擊前往/Click it!


Collaboration between BE.BAHNA Logistics, President Transnet Corp., and Kerry TJ Logistics Company Limited, and HCT Logistics

  • 同一訂單內,不同溫層運費已最高層級計算,只須收費一次,且商品會以該筆訂單最低溫溫層做合併出貨,如遇特殊情況本司保有權力協商另計。(請放心BE.BAHNA有規劃混合溫層出貨機制,能確保商品收到時仍盡量保持原有性質。)
  • 本館商品全面滿NTD$500(含)元以上,可享免運費優惠;特殊優惠另計,詳情見官網額外公告。
  • 常溫品
    • 本島-NTD$120/件(含包材、防撞材)
    • 離島-NTD$220/件(含包材、防撞材) 
  • 低溫品
    • 本島-NTD$160/件(含包材、防撞材)
    • 離島-NTD$270/件(含包材、防撞材)
  1. 線上付款(Visa/JCB/Master Card),目前無提供分期付款服務
  2. ATM虛擬帳號付款,虛擬帳號付款期限為2天內
  3. Line Pay


  1. We currently offer online payments (Visa/JCB/MasterCard) but do not provide installment services
  2. Payment via ATM virtual account, with a payment deadline of within 2 days
  3. Line Pay

Our website uses the SinoPac Bank Harvest Payment Service for payment processing. The actual credit card transaction interface (card information input page) goes through the SinoPac transaction interface, ensuring the security and maintenance of the payment process.






Pending Payment: Indicates that you have not completed the checkout process. Please complete the payment within the specified timeframe for the corresponding payment method.

Processing: Indicates that you have successfully made the payment. Please be patient as our staff prepares and ships the items.

Completed: Once our staff has successfully shipped the order, it will be marked as completed. You only need to wait for the goods to arrive. If you have any issues, feel free to contact us through the ‘Contact Us’ page in the ‘About BE.BAHNA’ section.

Cancelled: Order has been cancelled.”





We do not process shipments during the weekends. On weekdays, we typically dispatch goods within 4 business days, barring any exceptional circumstances.

Due to unpredictable daily road conditions, the actual delivery time will be based on the day of delivery by the courier. We regret that we cannot specify a specific delivery time.

Please plan your product needs accordingly and allow for possible delays. BE.BAHNA will not be liable for any compensation for delayed delivery of goods.

  • 台灣各地各縣市(本島、離島皆包含)
  • 離島宅配服務運費會較台灣本島稍高,且離島地區若遇天候、海象、船班年節停航及船班歲修等不可控之因素,恕無法指定希望配達日及時段,還請您體諒
  • 國外地區,BE.BAHNA也很樂意提供服務,還請直接與客服聯繫,


  • For various regions in Taiwan, including both mainland and outlying islands
  • The delivery service fee for outlying islands will be slightly higher than that for the Taiwan mainland. In addition, for outlying islands, uncontrollable factors such as weather conditions, sea conditions, suspension of ferry services during holidays, and ferry maintenance may affect delivery. We regret that we cannot specify desired delivery dates and times for outlying islands. Your understanding is appreciated.
  • For international locations, BE.BAHNA is more than happy to provide service. Please contact our customer service directly at




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Discount coupons can be used concurrently with all promotional activities.